According to the data gathered by the World Health Organization (WHO), the pandemic has had some impacts on climate change. During the period of lockdowns and travel restrictions, it was noticeable that the skies of many polluted cities have gotten clearer and several cases of animals roaming around cities and sites which they normally were never spotted there before.

Although there is still no clear evidence that Covid-19 may directly affect climate change, however, it may still set an indirect threat, as it compromises the environmental determinants of health and may add to the existing pressure on current health systems. Studies show that infectious diseases and recent pandemics originate in wildlife, and increasing human pressure on nature may increase the scope of the outbreaks.

With the approaching winter temperatures, people may think that may increase their chances of contracting the disease, but according to WHO, there is no conclusive evidence that either weather or climate has a strong influence on transmission.

SARS-CoV-2 is thought to be mainly transmitted directly from person-to-person through close contact, or through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. People may be infected by touching exposed surfaces, but this is not thought to be a major transmission route. While temperature and humidity may influence how long the virus survives outside of the human body, this effect is likely to be small compared to the degree of contact between people.

The pandemic is an ongoing tragic event that has claimed the lives of many and disrupted numerous communities. On top of that, climate change has never reached a concerning level as it has nowadays. It is a serious aspect to consider when making future decisions.

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